One eRead/Un Livrel Canada is a digital book club connecting readers and libraries from across Canada.
This year’s One eRead Canada pick is Hotline by Dimitri Nasrallah, with the French version translated by Daniel Grenier. The eBook will be available in French and English and the audiobook in English from April 1st – 30th.
Hotline will be available in April without waitlists or holds so that all Canadians can read along at the same time. Download a copy from your local library during the month and join the discussion in English or French – or both!
The CBC and Radio-Canada will be partnering with One eRead / Un livrel for two live events with the author that happen on April 23rd and April 25th. Join the events in person or via livestreams.
The French interview will take place on April 23rd, hosted by Evelyne Charuest, journaliste, animatrice, chroniqueuse, ICI Première, Radio-Canada and will take place at the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec in Montreal.
The English interview will be hosted on April 25th by CBC Ottawa’s, All in a Day host Alan Neal and takes place at Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, in partnership with Ottawa Public Library.
The Initiative
The Canadian Urban Libraries Council / Conseil des Bibliothèques Urbaines du Canada (CULC/CBUC) has created an opportunity for all public libraries to participate in a Canada-wide digital reading program. The initiative is similar to a “one book, one city” initiative, but on a national scale and in digital format available in both English and French.